Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cultured Vegies

I have been interested in cultured vegetables lately.
To name a few: pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, and other vegetable with herb mixtures.

I found out that they are loaded with probiotics and since acidophilus was my main probiotic source, i am now delighted at this tasty way of preparing vegies loaded with probiotics much more stronger that acidophilus.

YouTube has many demos on how to prepare them and the many different types one can make. Some of them can be made with a starting culture but that is not really necessary.

The main thing to remember is to cover them with their juice completely, and to not ferment them too long perhaps 24-48 hours max.Then transfer them to the refrigerator where the culture process slows down.

Dr Mercola had a good article on them: is where i got these two links from:  and

the 'not so wordy' and sometimes 'misspelling person' wishing you a good week.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Painting sells for a ridiculous amount!

Ha, Edvard Munch's painting 'the scream' sells for $119,922,500?
Are you kidding me?
1. The artist could have enjoyed even a quarter of that amount when he was alive.
2. Its a horrible pastel drawing on cardboard.
3. The man was mad.
4. People got money to throw away.
5. I cannot see such a horrible drawing hanging in My living room.